Please Make Your Tax-Deductible Gift Today
Make a Single or Recurring Gift
Make an online gift using your credit card or PayPal.
Make a Gift by Check
Donate by check or money order by mailing it to:
Southwest Harbor Public Library
P.O. Box 157
Southwest Harbor, Maine 04679
Please make checks payable to Southwest Harbor Public Library.
You may also use a printable GIVING FORM to mail in with check.
Make a Gift in Tribute
Tribute Note
(ex. In Memory of John Smith)
Community support, from patrons and year-round and summer residents like you, is vital to keeping the wide range of resources and services the Library provides—from children’s story times to local history collections to free wireless internet, and so much more—available to all.
The Library relies on donor based funding including donations, endowment returns, and fund raising for 84% of our annual operating budget with the remaining 16% coming from the Town of Southwest Harbor and program revenue. This is our most important continuing need.
The Library is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and all contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Annual Appeal
The Library’s Annual Appeal raises 40% of our annual operating income. Each year, we ask the community to donate substantially to our operations, and each year some 700-800 generous people help us to reach our goal.
Endowment Fund
Building the Endowment Fund is vital for the future financial security of the Library, and for providing improved services to our community. The Endowment Fund currently supplies 32% of our annual operating income.
Gifts of any size are welcome at any time. Larger gifts will be recognized on our Endowment Wall. Make an Endowment Fund gift in the Make A Gift In Tribute section at the top of this page.
Giving from your IRA
A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) is a unique way to contribute to the Library directly from your Individual Retirement Account. Learn more about QCD DONATIONS 2023 here.
Legacy Giving
The Top Shelf Society honors people who have left a bequest to the Library in their estate planning. Learn more about PLANNED GIVING here.

Memorial Giving
The Library has a long tradition of receiving memorial gifts. These may be in memory of a family member, a friend, a Library patron, or a community member. Unless otherwise designated, we deposit all monetary memorial gifts in our Endowment Fund, as a gift to the Library. Make a Memorial Gift through the Make A Gift In Tribute section found at the top of this page.
Children’s Fund
While the basic Children’s Program and staff is funded through the Operating Fund, certain programs including the Summer Story Camp, Summer Reading Showtime, and some arts programs are funded entirely by specific donations. Please contact the Library Director Erich Reed for additional information – or call (207) 244-7065.
Digital Archive
The online Digital Archive makes history come alive by illuminating the people from our past and the world they lived in. Like taking a trip down the rabbit hole, you never know what you’ll discover. The growth and maintenance of the Digital Archive is funded entirely by specific donations.
Town Support
The taxpayers of the Town of Southwest Harbor vote each year at Town Meeting to give the Library an appropriation to help support the valuable services the Library provides. Each year we are asked to make our case to the Town that the Library continues to be a vital community resource.
Giving Securities
Gifts of stock or other securities such as mutual funds or bonds are welcome at any time, and may create tax savings in some cases. Learn more about GIVING SECURITIES, or call Library Director Erich Reed at (207) 244-7065 or email