The father of magical realism, Gabriel García Márquez, died yesterday April 17, 2014. The New York Times published a wonderful commemorative article here. I have also included a book list below.His work is always worth a reread as many of us were first exposed to him in our college years. Time and experience always prove to be great illuminators when it comes to writers such as García Márquez. I first read “Love in the Time of Cholera” as a jaded and bored English major in college. In my late teens and early twenties I was obsessed with cynical writers such as Kurt Vonnegut and Raymond Carver yet Marquez rocked my world with his style and language, romantic and political in his magical realism: violence enmeshed in sensuality enmeshed in the spirit world. That book inspired my ongoing love of Latin America and her writers, such as Isabelle Allende, Pablo Neruda, Jorge Louis Borges, Carlos Fuentes, Roberto Bolano, Paulo Coelho and Octavio Paz.
For a comprehensive list of Gabriel García Márquez’s books, click here.